Ohio Family to Family Health Information Center (Ohio F2F HIC)

Family Support
The Ohio Family to Family (Ohio F2F) Health Information Center helps families of children with disabilities and special health care needs navigate the health care system. The Ohio F2F team provides families and the professionals who serve them with support, training, information, and connects them to resources. The Ohio F2F is funded by Maternal and Child Health Bureau and the Health Resources Service Administration.
Ohio Family to Family is a family-staffed, virtual center that provides free one-to-one support to families of children and youth with special health care needs. Ohio F2F works to support effective partnerships between parents and professionals. Contact us for information about:
- Health-related services
- Navigating community services
- Medical Home features
- Early periodic screening diagnosis and treatment
- Transitioning to adult systems of care
Our Vision & Mission:
Empowering Families
in Ohio
Ohio F2F’s vision is that all families of children and youth with significant healthcare needs (CYSHCN) receive the best health care, support, information, and resources to ensure optimal health outcomes. In addition, we envision family-centered and coordinated care in all systems of Ohio for the best child, health, and family outcomes.
Our mission is to educate, empower, and support all Ohioans with special health care needs and their families to receive the best healthcare that leads to optimal health outcomes, and to support professionals in providing the best care in the most family-centered, inclusive, respectful, culturally and linguistically accessible, and supportive way.
We provide one-on-one support, training, and information to families on navigating Ohio’s systems. Through our personal experiences, networks and partnerships in Ohio, we can help guide families.
The Family Caregiver Professional Advisory Council (FCPAC) is made up of a diverse group of family caregivers and professionals in the state, including those from the Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities, Ohio Medicaid, Ohio Department of Health, Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities, Arc of Ohio, DD Council, and other representatives of community organizations. Members of the council support the work of Ohio F2F and speak up with their opinions and ideas. Learn more about the FCPAC and how you can get involved HERE.

Questions or interest in getting connected as a support or referred family?
Contact OhioF2F@cchmc.org
Ohio F2F, Ohio Family to Family