UCEDDs were established as part of the federal Developmental Disabilities Act (DD Act). The DD Act outlines our work. As part of the DD Act, all UCEDDs have four core functions, which are the areas we focus on when going about our work.
Research & Policy
The UCCEDD makes significant contributions to the body of knowledge related to disability through research and policy work. We collect and analyze data, facilitate focus groups, and evaluate project outcomes, all to inform policies that positively impact the lives of individuals with disabilities.
If you are interested in participating in research studies, visit ResearchMatch to learn more.

Interdisciplinary Training
Through the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and related Disabilities (LEND) Program (which is the length of a school year), the UCCEDD provides interdisciplinary clinical training to graduate students and post-doctoral students through practicum and specialized experiences in the Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.
The UCCEDD collaborates with the School of Social Work at the University of Cincinnati on an Undergraduate Developmental Disabilities Certificate Program (4 courses totaling 12-credit hours) that provides students with knowledge and skills to work with persons with developmental disabilities in a variety of social, healthcare and educational settings.
The UCCEDD staff also provides guest lectures and trainings to family members, self-advocates and community-based professionals on topics of relevance related to developmental disabilities.

Community Education and Collaboration
The UCCEDD collaborates with community members with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families, and with community groups and organizations, to promote and support health and quality of life for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and families. We accomplish this through collaborative trainings, workshops, consultation, and speaking engagements.